About this Book
Beyond Death by Edgar Cayce is a thought-provoking book that delves into the afterlife and the possibilities that lie beyond death. Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, uses his psychic revelations and experiences to explore what happens to the soul after it leaves the physical body. Filled with compelling case studies and spiritual teachings, this book offers a profound understanding of the afterlife, providing comfort and reassurance to those seeking answers about life beyond death. Cayce's unique insights delve into topics such as reincarnation, astral travel, spiritual dimensions, and the purpose of the soul's journey. With his compelling narrative and profound wisdom, Cayce opens up a fascinating world of spiritual exploration in Beyond Death.
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8 Parts
The Nature of the Soul
Death and Dying
The Astral and Mental Realms
The Law of Karma
Communication with the Departed
The Purpose of Life
The Afterlife Realms