Doing Life with Your Adult Children
Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out
Jim Burns Ph.D (Author)
in Mid-Life Management
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About this Book
Doing Life with Your Adult Children by Jim Burns, Ph.D, is a practical guide for parents navigating the challenging and evolving dynamics of parenthood as their children reach adulthood. Drawing on his expertise as a family counselor and years of experience, Burns provides helpful insights and advice on topics such as setting boundaries, effectively communicating, handling conflict, and building healthy relationships with adult children. This book offers valuable guidance to parents seeking to nurture a strong and fulfilling connection with their grown-up children as they navigate the transition into independence and adulthood.
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Book Insights
6 Parts
The Power of Healthy Communication
Redefining and Respecting Boundaries
Navigating Differences and Conflict
Cultivating Emotional and Spiritual Growth
Navigating Challenging Life Choices