Hearing God
Developing a Conversational Relationship with God
Dallas Willard (Author)
in Spiritual
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About this Book
Hearing God by Dallas Willard explores the important concept of how individuals can develop a personal connection with God and learn to hear His voice. Willard emphasizes that hearing God involves much more than just receiving audible messages, but also involves recognizing His presence and guidance in all aspects of life. Through a combination of biblical teachings, personal anecdotes, and practical exercises, the book provides readers with the tools to deepen their spiritual relationship with God and cultivate a responsive heart to His voice in an increasingly noisy world. Willard's insights and wisdom offer a refreshing perspective on the subject of hearing God, making the book an invaluable guide for those seeking to experience a deeper, more vibrant faith.
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Book Insights
9 Parts
God's Desire to Communicate
Recognizing Divine Communication
The Importance of Disciplines
Obstacles to Hearing God
The Role of Scripture
The Context of Community
Surrender and Obedience
Developing a Lifestyle of Hearing God