About this Book
Near-Death Experiences of Suicide Survivors by John J. Graden is a deeply thought-provoking book that explores the harrowing experiences of individuals who have attempted suicide and, against all odds, survived to tell their story. Graden brings together a collection of firsthand accounts from suicide survivors who have had near-death experiences (NDEs), shedding light on the mystical and profound encounters they have endured while teetering between life and death. Displaying immense empathy and sensitivity, the author not only delves into the individuals' harrowing experiences, but also offers a compassionate understanding of the unique challenges and emotional struggles faced by suicide survivors. Through an insightful combination of personal narratives and expert analysis, Near-Death Experiences of Suicide Survivors aims to enlighten readers about the transformative and transcendent power of NDEs, inspiring hope and resilience in those seeking to comprehend the enigmatic realm of life after death.
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3 Parts