Night Drives by Samantha Camargo is a captivating coming-of-age novel that follows the life of sixteen-year-old Lily Evans as she navigates the ups and downs of adolescence in a small, rural town. Set in the 1990s, the book explores themes of identity, friendship, and the power of self-discovery. Lily's life takes an unexpected turn when she befriends the enigmatic and mysterious Will Weston, who introduces her to a world of night drives, secret adventures, and profound conversations that challenge her beliefs and shape her perspective on life. As Lily grapples with personal struggles and the complexities of relationships, she embarks on a journey of self-realization, ultimately discovering the strength to forge her own path and embrace the uncertainties of the future. Night Drives is a poignant and heartfelt novel that captures the essence of adolescence and the transformative power of human connection.