Prime-Time Health
A Scientifically Proven Plan for Feeling Young and Living Longer
William Sears MD FRCP and Martha Sears RN (Author)
in Mid-Life Management
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About this Book
Prime-Time Health is a comprehensive and practical guidebook written by renowned medical professionals, William Sears MD and Martha Sears RN. In this enlightening read, the Sears couple shares effective strategies and timeless advice on how to achieve and maintain optimal health as we age. From debunking common myths about aging to providing easy-to-follow exercise routines, nutritious diet plans, and stress-reduction techniques, the authors equip readers with the tools needed to maintain their vitality and improve their overall well-being. Utilizing their extensive medical expertise, the Sears provide evidence-based insights on topics such as managing chronic conditions, boosting immune function, achieving quality sleep, and improving brain health. Prime-Time Health is an invigorating and transformative read for individuals seeking to live a vibrant and healthy life well into their prime years.
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8 Parts
The Four Pillars of Health
The Health Pyramid
Exercise for Life
Stress Management
Mental Wellness and Brain Fitness
The Aging Process
Hormonal Harmony